Salt and Light || Matthew 5:13-16
Guest speaker Ps Darren Dakers (Liberti Church Coomera) uses part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount to encourage and challenge us to be salt and light - distinct and visible in the world to give glory God to our Father.
Secure in His Promise || John 6:36-40
Hear from guest speaker Sam Wright about how Jesus will never cast out those who come to him.
John 6:36-40
Romans 2021 || #17 Who Do You Serve?
Romans 6:15-23
You're either a slave to sin or a slave to God in righteousness. Only one truly fulfills!
Romans 2021 || #16 Dead to Sin, Alive to God - Part 2
Roman 6:8-14
We are no longer enslaved to sin - we have been set free!
For sin will have no dominion over you, since are not under law but under grace.
Romans 6:14
The battle over sin has already been won through God’s super-abounding grace.
#1 Do not surrender
#2 Do not submit
#3 Pick up your weapons of righteousness
REVIVE #4 || YA Retreat (Psalm 85)
This message titled “Drawing Near to the Reviving God” was recorded 21 August 2021 at the Combined Young Adults Retreat Revive (Part 2). This was the forth and final session preached by Mike Westhuyzen from Enoggera Baptist.
REVIVE #3 || YA Retreat (Repentance & Assurance)
This message titled “Repentance & Assurance” was recorded 21 August 2021 at the Combined Young Adults Retreat Revive (Part 2). This was the third session preached by Josh Diyn from Ashgrove Baptist.
Note: Due to technical difficulties, the beginning of the audio is missing.
Romans 2021 || #14 In Adam or In Christ Pt.2
Romans 5:15-21
Ps Matt further unpacks Romans 5 making five comparisons between life in Adam and life in Christ
Romans 2021 || #13 - In Adam or In Christ
Romans 2021 || #13 - In Adam or In Christ (Romans 5:12-14)
REVIVE #2 || Young Adults Retreat (Isaiah 6)
This message titled “Coming Alive to the Real God” was recorded 31 July 2021 at the Combined Young Adults Retreat (REVIVE). This was the second session.
REVIVE #1 || YA Retreat (Biblical & Theological Intro to Revival)
This message titled was recorded 31 July 2021 at the Combined Young Adults Retreat (REVIVE). This was the first session preached by Josh Diyn from Ashgrove Baptist..
Romans 2021 || #11 - Jewels of Faith Part 1
Romans 5:1-11
Saved By Faith: What Next?
This passage talks about the jewels we obtain as a result of being justified by faith.
Heaven #4 || Life in Heaven
In the final sermon of our 4-part Heaven series, Ps Mike uses scripture as a foundation and the writings of some of the great theologians throughout history to provide a glimpse of what eternity on a renewed earth is going to be like.
Heaven #3 || New Heavens, New Earth
Heaven #3 || New Heavens, New Earth
What is our final destination where we will live forever with our God? Revelation 21-22 gives us truly beautiful vision of this ultimate home- the new heavens and the new earth.
Heaven #1 || Home
John 14:1-3
In Colossians Paul instructs us to "seek the things that are above, not on the things that are on earth."
In the first message in our Heaven series Ps Mike sets the foundation to build a biblically informed view of what is to come.