Romans 2021 || #10 - Saved By Faith
Romans 4:13-25
All Have Sinned. It is by our Faith in Christ that saves us, not our works, our heritage or our worthiness.
Pastor Matt explores the three truths to understanding faith: Salvation by Faith is Certain, Salvation by Faith is for All People and Salvation by Faith is for You.
Romans 2021 || #9 - Faith Comes First
Romans 4:1-12
Pastor Mike shows us how Abraham's faith came first, just like us. Faith came before obedience. He believed in God, and it was counted to him as Righteousness.
What does a step of faith look like for you today?
Romans 2021 || #8 - Justified
Romans 3:21-31
"The central passage of the Bible."
Justified by His grace as a gift.
Romans 2021 || #6 - Convenient Excuses
Romans 1-2
Pastor Matt reviews the Romans series to take us through the story so far. That we all of humankind is sinful and we each have our own convenient excuses.
The gentiles plead ignorance and the Jews plead ownership
We find that it has to grace, there is no other way.
Romans 2021 || #5 - Warnings for the Religious
Romans 2
Let the words of Paul awaken you to the true state of your heart and your standing before God. The only assurance of salvation is faith in the saving work of Christ Jesus.
Romans 2021 || #4 - The Tragic Trade
Romans 1:18-32
Ps Mike dives into Romans 1:18-32, tackling the topic of God’s righteous wrath and how Romans 1 serves as a warning, prompting us to confront our sin and repent.
God’s amazing grace sets free all those who repent and believe!
Romans 2021 || #3 - Unashamed
Ps. Mike takes us through Romans 1:8-17 where we delve into the heart of the gospel and Paul's heart for the gospel. The power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.
#1 Paul’s Heart for the Gospel (v.8-15)
#2 The Very Heart of the Gospel (v.16-17)
Romans 2021 || #2 - The Messenger and The Message
Join with Ps. Mike in Romans 1:1-7 in where Paul’s opening message to the church in Rome reveals The Messenger, the Message and the Solid Foundation. As Christians; we are God’s Beloved, God’s Called and God’s Saints.
“What are the words that come to your mind most powerfully and quickly, when you think about how you would describe yourself?”
Romans 2021 || #1 - Introduction
An introduction for EBC's new series on the book of Romans including cultural context, great historical preachers weighty descriptions and Paul's own passion for the delivery of this message.
Easter 2021 || #4 - He Must Reign
What does it mean if the resurrection is true?
1 Corinthians 15:14-26
Easter 2021 || #3 King Crucified - Good Friday
John 18
We are ransomed from captivity: Guilt and Shame.
We are guilty (Romans 1:18), are are ashamed (Genesis 3:7).
By his wounds we are healed (Isaiah 53:5)
We are Forgiven and Reconciled.
Easter 2021 || #2 Jesus on Trial
Jesus on Trial
Matt takes us through our second talk of the 2021 Easter series in John 18:28 - 19:15.
The King is in conflict with other kingdoms.
#1 Kingdom of rulers
#2 Kingdom of religion
#3 Kingdom of self
Holy Holy Holy - Useful
Holy Holy Holy
Part 4: Useful
Ps Matt concludes our Holy Holy Holy series where we explore God’s holiness and what we do after we’ve received the Grace of God. To be Holy is to be Useful; through maturity, through priesthood and through spiritual sacrifices.
1 Peter 2:1-5
Easter 2021 || #1 - Jesus the King
The focus of Jesus’ teaching is that the Kingdom of Heaven has come!
So what kind of king is Jesus?
Pastor Mike goes into detail on this topic using Jesus’ arrest in the garden (John 18:1-11) to demonstrate that Jesus is the kind of king who:
Willingly surrenders for us
Surrenders with authority
and Loves His followers to the very end
Overcoming Anxiety
Overcoming Anxiety
Guest Pastor Kyllum Lewis brings us 3 reasons from Jesus to not be anxious.
Matt 6:25-34
Holy Holy Holy - Pure
Holy Holy Holy
Part 3: Pure
Ps Mike continues our Holy Holy Holy series where we explore God’s holiness and how, through Christ, He has made us holy. This message focuses on what it means to be pure as Christians.
“He has set us apart from the world”
“whoever comes to me I will never cast out.”
John 6:37
Holy Holy Holy - Distinct
Holy Holy Holy
Part 2: Distinct
Ps Matt continues our Holy Holy Holy series where we explore God’s holiness and how, through Christ, He has made us holy. This message focuses on what it means to be distinct as Christians.
“He has set us apart from the world”