Doing life together
At EBC, we believe that community is fundamental to our God given design as human beings. We believe that God has created us in such a way that we are only truly fulfilling our purpose when we live life in community. We are made for community, and without it, we are out of step with God’s plan for us.
Because of this commitment, our Small Groups are where the real party is at!
We gather in Small Groups with our friends and neighbours to live life together and experience the gospel in ways we can’t on our own. It is here that care for one another happens, leaders are developed, and followers of Jesus grow.
These communities meet weekly in homes, and are a place we can wrestle with the truths of the Bible, love one another, serve our neighbourhoods, and participate in the mission of God for EBC. In other words, Small Groups aren’t just a good idea; they are the main way through which we see Jesus making us more like Himself.
Our groups
Our groups *
Abby @ Aspley
Judah @ Enoggera
Julian @ Alderley
Matt @ Ferny Grove
Mike @ Warner
Jesse & Mike B @ Milton
Josh & Sara @ The Gap
Troy (fortnightly) @ Enoggera
Luke (fortnightly gents) @ AshgroveMarian (fortnightly ladies) @ Ashgrove