Recommended Reading
The Gospel
The Gospel - Ray Ortlund
The Cross of Christ - John Stott
The Truth of The Cross - R.C. Sproul
Prodigal God - Tim Keller
Explicit Gospel - Matt Chandler
Future Grace - John Piper
The BIble
ESV Study Bible
Taking God at His Word - Kevin DeYoung
Can I Trust the Bible - R.C. Sproul
Why Believe the Bible - John MacArthur
How To Read the Bible Book by Book - Gordon Fee & Douglas Stuart
Women of the Word - Jen Wilkin
One-to-One Bible Reading - David Helm
Christian Living
Gospel in Life - Tim Keller
Pursuit of Holiness - Jerry Bridges
Gospel Fluency - Jeff Vanderstelt
You Can Change - Tim Chester
Desiring God - John Piper
Enjoying God - Tim Chester
Prayer - Tim Keller
Knowing God - J.I. Packer
Systematic Theology - Wayne Grudem
Everyone’s a Theologian - R.C. Sproul
The Holiness of God - R.C. Sproul
The Goldsworthy Trinity (Gospel & Kingdom, Gospel & Wisdom, The Gospel in Revelation) - Graeme Goldsworthy
The Institutes of the Christian Religion - John Calvin
The Reason for God - Tim Keller
Confronting Christianity - Rebecca McLaughlin
Case for Christ - Lee Strobel
God’s Good Design - Claire Smith
Is God Anti-Gay - Sam Allbery
The Church
Center Church - Tim Keller
Creature of the Word - Matt Chandler
Church - The Gospel Made Visible - Mark Dever
MarriagE and family
The Meaning of Marriage - Tim Keller
Mingling of Souls - Matt Chandler
Parenting - Paul Tripp
Marriage and the Mystery of the Gospel - Ray Ortlund
Jesus Story Book Bible - Sally Lloyd-Jones
Treasuring Christ with your Hands Full - Gloria Furman
Suffering / Depression
Gentle and Lowly (The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers) - Dane Ortlund
Walking with God through Pain and Suffering - Tim Keller
Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy - Mark Vroegop
Suffering - Paul Tripp
The Bruised Reed and Smoking Flax - Richard Sibbes and Alexander Beith
Matt’s Top 3
ESV Study Bible
Desiring God - John Piper
Surprised by Joy - C.S. Lewis
Mike’s Top 5
Enjoying God - Tim Chester
Gentle and Lowly - Dane Ortlund
Prodigal God - Tim Keller
Future Grace - John Piper
Prayer - Tim Keller