Matt Maloney Enoggera Baptist Matt Maloney Enoggera Baptist

Gospel Centered Mission

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The Christian life and Our Mission. Pastor Matt reveals to us what Mission is, and can look like, through the passage of John 4. Jesus calls all those who have encountered Him to this cause and we respond in joy and eagerness.

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Matt Maloney Enoggera Baptist Matt Maloney Enoggera Baptist

Christmas Day 2020

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John 1:11-12

11 He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. 12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God,

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Mike Westhuyzen Enoggera Baptist Mike Westhuyzen Enoggera Baptist

Exodus #20 || The Glory of God


“What comes into our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us” A. W. Tozer

Pastor Mike talks about the Glory of God, and the 8 ways God reveals His character to us through Exodus 34, versus 6 and 7. We pray that you find joy and comfort in goodness of the Lord, and spend time in a aspect of God’s character this week.

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Enoggera Baptist Enoggera Baptist

Women's Ministry || Contentment (In Christ)


Women’s Ministry

Contentment in Christ

Dive in with the Women of Enoggera Baptist about how we can find contentment in Christ during our times of abundance and in our times of need. Find Encouragement with the Panel Talk and the talk by Danielle Williams.

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Matt Maloney Enoggera Baptist Matt Maloney Enoggera Baptist

Exodus #16 || Tools for Understanding the Law


Exodus 21-24

What does the Mosaic Law teach me about God’s justice and holiness?

What does this teach me about God’s mercy and kindness?

What does this teach me about how I should love my neighbour?

How does this help me walk in a way which is upright?

What don’t I like about this? Why?

What assumptions am I making that this confronts?

How does this call me to live differently?

How does this make me grateful for Jesus?

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