Josh Diyn Enoggera Baptist Josh Diyn Enoggera Baptist

Stand Alone || Luke 5:1-11

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What would you say if you met Jesus face to face?
Reading through Luke chapter 5 we look at Simon Peter’s response to Jesus.

“I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance” Luke 5:32

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Mike Westhuyzen Mike Westhuyzen

EBC Unpack #8 - How to Pray (Matthew 6:9-13)

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In this episode we are joined by Yarran Johnston, as we take a look at some of the most recited words in the history of the world - the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13). Together, we take a look at the Jesus teaching on prayer, as he powerfully orientates us to the God of heaven.

Join us for the conversation.

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Guest Enoggera Baptist Guest Enoggera Baptist

Exodus #12 || "Will God Provide For Me?"


Exodus 17
”The story of Redemption is always longer than we;d like it to be.” Guest Speaker Yarran responds to the passage three problems presented to us in Exodus 17. Israel’s problem of no provision of water, Moses’ problem where he is fearful for his Life, and God’s problem that his motivations and faithfulness are questioned.

Will God provide and defend His people?” - hear the answer in this week’s sermon!

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Mike Westhuyzen Enoggera Baptist Mike Westhuyzen Enoggera Baptist

Exodus #11 || Manna from Heaven


Exodus 15:22 - 16:20
If we don’t pause to reflect on all the good God has done in out lives through his provision, we can fall into a pattern of grumbling and doubt. Mike encourages us to reflect on Israel’s pattern of grumbling through Exodus and the wilderness in view of our own discontentment. Mike calls us to live in the Grace provided to us today, to trust in God’s plans, and to trust that God will provide for us when we call.

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Mike Westhuyzen Mike Westhuyzen

EBC Unpack #6 - A Greater Righteousness (Matthew 5:21-48)

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In this episode we are joined by Julian Shaw, as we look at the teaching of Jesus about the Old Testament Law. In some ways, the sermon on the mount represented a re-giving of the law to the people of God, echoing back to Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai. In his teaching here, Jesus turns the spotlight from outward moral behaviours to the inward attitudes of the heart. Join us for the conversation.

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Mike Westhuyzen Mike Westhuyzen

EBC Unpack #5 - Christ and the Law (Matthew 5:17-21)

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In this episode we are joined by Danielle, as we look at the teaching of Jesus about the Old Testament Law. People are often confused about what to do with all the laws - do the apply to us or not? What does Jesus say? Can we eat bacon and wear poly-cotton blend shirts or not?

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Matt Maloney Enoggera Baptist Matt Maloney Enoggera Baptist

Thrive - Confession || 1 John 1:5-10


“Blessed is the one whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.” Psalm 32:1

In this message, Ps Matt reminds us of the freedom we receive through confession, not only to our Heavenly Father who redeems and saves through grace but also to our brothers and sisters in Christ who uplift us through encouragement and prayer.

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Matt Maloney Enoggera Baptist Matt Maloney Enoggera Baptist

Thrive - Preaching || Romans 10:13-17


Recommended Read: Listen Up! - Christopher Ash

What makes preaching worth our while?

Pastor Matt talks on how preaching is a really important part of our lives together as we listen to sermons every Sunday. That preaching is a thing that is under fire from both within the church and outside of it, and preaching requires something of YOU.

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Mike Westhuyzen Mike Westhuyzen

EBC Unpack #2 - Best Sermon Ever Preached?

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Welcome to our new video teaching series - EBC Unpack. This is our second episode where we introduce the focus of our first series - the famous sermon on the mount by Jesus (Matthew 5-7).

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