EBC Unpack #1 - Introducing EBC Unpack
Welcome to our new video teaching series - EBC Unpack. This is our first episode where we introduce the concept of the series and talk about the role of the Bible in our lives.
Exodus #10 || Marking the Moment with Praise
The song of Moses.
Having been rescued from slavery, and miraculously delivered from the hands of the Egyptian army through the Red Sea, Moses stops to mark the moment with praise.
Let's not forget to stop in our lives to mark the moment of God's deliverance with praise.
Exodus 15:1-21
Exodus #9 || Crossing the Red Sea - From Chains to Freedom
The Red Sea is the definitive chains to freedom moment for the people of God in the Old Testament. On the west bank they stood condemned, and on the east bank they stood a freed people.
Today, God is still very much still in the business of freeing slaves from bondage. Paul writes in Galatians 5:1 - "For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery."
Exodus 14
Exodus #8 || The Passover
The showdown of kings culminates in the tenth and final plague - the death of the firstborn. But God was also providing a way to be sheltered from that plague, through the sacrifice of a lamb, the angel of death would pass over the house.
Today, Jesus is our passover lamb, who shelters any who come to Him by His blood.
Exodus 12-13
Exodus #7 || The Plagues - A Clash for Control
"Who is the Lord that I should obey him?" It is the question Pharaoh asks Moses, and it is the question God emphatically answers with the great plagues. Everyone has asked this question in one way or another. It is the question of Lordship and control.
So who is the Lord? He is the true king who rules and reigns over everything - including you and I, and yet He is also the one who steps off His throne to rescue and save the lowly and broken.
Exodus 7-10
Exodus #6 || Making Bricks Without Straw
What happens when things get worse before they get better? This is exactly what happens as Moses follows God’s instructions to confront Pharaoh. It is also what often happens when we are obedient to God’s call on our life. How will we respond?
Exodus 4:18-6:13
Exodus #5 || The God who Calls
God has heard the cries of the people suffering, and calls Moses to go with His power and in His name.
Exodus 3-4
Exodus #4 || The God Who Is
Today's message asks the question: Who is God? What is He like? How do we know?
Exodus 3
Exodus #3 || Dealing with Disappointment in the Desert
Today's message deals with the reality of disappointment in our lives, and the ever present hand of God in even those moments.
Exodus 2; Hebrews 11:24-25
Exodus #2 || In Slavery
This message is the introduction to our new series in the book of Exodus.
Exodus 1:8-22; John 8:31-36
NOTE: Due to a technical mix-up, the first third of the message is missing.
Exodus #1 || How did we get here?
This message is the introduction to our new series in the book of Exodus.
Exodus 1:1-7; Hebrews 11:8-16