Thrive - Sabbath || Exodus 20:8-11
Welcome to our first online service!
While we work out some of the technical details to move online, this week we will be listening to audio recorded only a few weeks ago at Life Centre Church North Lakes. This message is the next installment in our Thrive series, and focuses in on the Sabbath.
Thrive - Worship at Home || Deuteronomy 6: 1-9
The way we live matters!
We must be worshipers of God in all of life, and especially in our homes.
Thrive - Rejoice || Mathew 13:44-46
God commands us to Rejoice in the Lord always. What does this mean and how should this affect our lives.
Thrive - Faith and Worry || Matthew 6:25-35
Recommended Read: ‘Running Scared: Fear, Worry and The God of Rest’ - Ed Welch
Romans 5; 2 Thessalonians 3:10; Philippians 4:6-7
The fifth sermon in the series "THRIVE"
What is Worry?
“Worry is reaching out into the future, and dragging back into the present all the possible things that could go wrong.”
Ps Mike dives into the gospel of Matthew and shows us how Jesus spoke of our daily worries and concerns, how we can bring them to God and trust in Him to provide for us.
Thrive - Lament || Psalm 22:1-31
Recommended Read: ‘Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy’ by Mike Vroegop
(Psalm 42)
The fourth sermon in the series "thrive."
Life is hard; this is nothing new to us or to God. We grieve, we anguish and we doubt. Ps Matt reads from David’s Psalms and shows us how to lament to God and how He has given permission to air these grievances with Him, and shows us how to Trust In Him.
Thrive - Prayer || Luke 11:1-13
Luke 11:1-13
The third sermon in the series "thrive."
Our greatest weapon in the battle for the heart.
Thrive- Reading God's Word
Psalm 119:1-16 & Hebrews 4:12-13
This is the second sermon in the new series "Thrive".
Read your bible everyday to find your joy in the Lord.
Thrive - Hunger || Mark 4:2-20
Mark 4:2-20
This is the first sermon in the new series "Thrive".
The life of faith is not founded on 'going with the flow.' Lets ask the question, "is your relationship with Christ thriving?"
Amazing Jesus || Luke 7:1-10
Amazing Jesus || Luke 7:1-10
Amazing Jesus || Luke 7:1-10
Jesus is amazed by a man's faith? Can we have a faith that amazes the perfect King of glory?
Christmas Day || God's Gift / Grace
Christmas Day || God's Gift / Grace
Christmas Day || God's Gift / Grace
Advent || The Good King
Matthew 1:1-16
Illuminating the significance of the genealogy of Jesus Christ; how it shows the fulfillment of Old Testament promises and that the lineage he’s come from is not so dissimilar to the people he’s come for.
A king has come, is he your king?
Ephesians #17 || The Armour of War
Ephesians #17 || The Armour of War
An encouraging and challenging message from Matt about the spiritual warfare we are engaged in, in our everyday lives, and how we can equip the Armour of God that He has provided us. To fight and rejoice in the victory that is ours in Christ.
Ephesians #16 || The Body Of Christ
Ephesians #15 || The Body Of Christ
A small message from Matt about the Body of Christ here at Enoggera Baptist Church. Take time to meditate on your own walk, where you stand in your maturity in your walk with Christ and where God is calling you to serve in the Body. Pray for one another and seek Christ’s guidance.
Ephesians #14 || The Gospel Brings Wisdom
Ephesians #14 || The Gospel Brings Wisdom
Ephesians 5:15-21