Keep Growing Enoggera Baptist Keep Growing Enoggera Baptist

EPHESIANS 4:7-16 Keep Growing Part 4


#1: Why it matters

#2: What it means

True Christianity is about knowing a person - Jesus

A Growing Church

How do we Keep Growing, as a church? Part 4 of our Keep Growing series.

#1 Growing in Gospel Service: Loving like Christ (v. 7-12)

#2 Growing in Gospel Doctrine: Knowing Christ (v. 12-14)

#3 Growing in Gospel Speech: Speaking like Christ  (v. 15-16)

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Keep Growing Enoggera Baptist Keep Growing Enoggera Baptist

Hebrews 10:19-25 Keep Growing Part 2

Christian growth is not automatic.

The world is ending.

Take care not to be carried away.

Keep growing!

Grow in Grace

1. Confidence in Grace
- Jesus becomes our priest for the atoning sacrifice therefore we have confidence to approach God as we stand behind the blood of Jesus

2. Draw near
- You are invited into His presence so accept God's grace and grow in it

3. Hold fast
- Hold fast the confession of our hope.
- Keep believing the content of the Bible and preach it to be true to others

4. Stir up
- Grow in grace together… you need other Christians

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