Would you like to learn more about the Bible and how to read it?
WHAT: EBC School is a new ministry run by EBC to help you understand and engage with the Bible yourself. We believe that God has given us a precious gift in the pages of the bible, and yet, at times it can be overwhelming and hard to both interpret and apply. This course aims to help you:
Understand the Bible;
See the big picture of what you're reading;
Know how it points towards Jesus, and;
Applies to your life.
WHO: This is for anyone who would like to grow in their knowledge of the Bible, and how to read it. Although this course is aimed for those within the church, it would be a great opportunity for anyone to come and hear about the storyline of the world's most influential book.
WHERE & WHEN: The course will run over term 2 on Monday nights at Enoggera Baptist Church, starting 19th April.
TIME: 7pm to 8:30pm
COST: $20
RHYTHM: After the first few weeks as we find our feet, we can discuss moving some portion online to make it sustainable in terms of energy. It is my thinking that we will find out what works with those interested. We will have to work hard to figure out how to cater to as many as possible.
STYLE: There will be a emphasis on active learning, where the initiative rests on participants to engage through readings and both small and big group discussions, rather than just passive "listen-to-a-lecture" style learning.
The Course Outline:
19 April #1 - The Pattern of the Kingdom
10 May #2 - The Perished Kingdom
17 May #3 - The Promised Kingdom
24 May #4 - The Partial Kingdom
31 May #5 - The Prophesied Kingdom
7 June #6 - The Present Kingdom
14 June #7 - The Proclaimed Kingdom
21 June #8 - The Perfected Kingdom