Nehemiah 7 & 8 || Foundation in God's Word
We need to be built upon the deep and unshakeable foundation of God’s Word. We need to be a people who revere the Word of God, being led to both worship and conviction.
Nehemiah 6 || Clarity and Conviction
Nehemiah has clarity and conviction from God when rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls. He used this to combat the schemes of those who were opposed to the work.
Scheme#1: Deception & Distraction (v.1-4)
Scheme #2: Threat & Intimidation (v.5-9)
Scheme #3: Trickery & Manipulation (v.10-14)
“I am doing a great work and I cannot come down. Why should the work stop while I leave it and come down to you?” (Neh 6:3)
Nehemiah 4 || Our God Will Fight For Us
God has the victory however in this life we will face opposition just like Nehemiah when rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls.
Sword in one hand ready to fight the battle.
Hammer in the other ready for good works.
Our God will fight for us (Neh 4:20)
Nehemiah 1:5-11 || Pray First
Pray First
Adoration (v.5-6) Looking upward in awe
Confession (v.6-7) Looking inward in humility
Thanksgiving (v.8-10) Looking backward in gratitude
Supplication (v.11) Looking forward in hope
Acts 2:1-49 II PENTECOST – The Sending of the Spirit
Pentecost and Sending of Spirit - #1 What Jesus Said, #2 What Happened, #3 What The OT Said, #4 What Happened, #5 What Should We Expect.
Acts 1:1-11 || The Ascension
The Ascension of Christ
#1 human BODY
#2 reigning KING
#3 sending SAVIOUR
#4 tireless INTERCESSOR
Romans 16:25-27 || Doxology: God is Able, Eternal and Wise
We finish the book of Romans with praise and worship of the God who is able (v25), eternal (v26), and wise (v27).
Now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ (Romans 16:25)
Romans 16:1-24 || Greetings and False Teachers
Paul has some final greetings which we can learn some points from. And as with every church in the letters the subject of false teachers is mentioned which we need to be weary of. Ps Matt shares what this means for us and how we can notice this.
Romans 15:14-33
#1 Paul's life of worship
#2 Holy Ambition
#3 Aid for the poor
#4 Need for prayer
Romans 15:5-13 || One voice for the glory of God
Romans 15:5-13
We are to prove the glory of the gospel as true by living out the glory of the gospel in our relationships.
1. Our unity comes from above (v5-6)
2. Out unity flows from Jesus' acceptance of us (v7)
3. Our unity fulfils God's plan for the world (v8-12)
4. God's gift of joy, peace and hope (v13)