Acts #22 || 15:21-35 What about the Law?
Acts 15 represents the early church encountering their first theological conundrum: what exactly is a Christian? What does one have to do to become one?
This week in part 2, we focus on the second part to the complication: what are Christian's supposed to do with the Law of Moses?
Acts #21 || 15:1-20 What is a Christian?
What is it exactly that makes someone a Christian? Or to ask the question another way, what exactly must one do to become one? This is the question at the centre of the church's first theological storm addressed at the council of Jerusalem.
Acts #20 || 14:1-20 Gospel Resilience
On their first missionary journey, Paul preach the gospel in the towns of Iconium, Lystra and Derbe, and encounter both faith and resisitence to their message
Acts #19 || 13:4-52 The Gospel Marches Forwards
Acts 13 marks the beginning of Paul and Barnabas’ first missionary journey, where they encounter both opposition and joyful faith of those who hear the message of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
Acts #18 || 13:1-3 Church Planting Churches
This we return back to the book of Acts as a church and pick up the story of the early church in chapter 13. Paul and Barnabas are sent by the church of Antioch - marking the start of a new chapter in the life of the early church in their global mission.
Unfortunately due to technical difficulties, there is no audio from this week.
Relationships || #4 Parenting
Part of what it means to be made in the image of God, who himself exists in the eternal relationship of the Trinity, is that we are designed for relationship. This practical series takes a look at some of the key relationship seasons of life. This message looks at the stunning privilege given to those we are called by God to be parents.
Relationships || #3 Marriage
Part of what it means to be made in the image of God, who himself exists in the eternal relationship of the Trinity, is that we are designed for relationship. This practical series takes a look at some of the key relationship seasons of life. This message looks at what it means that marriage is about God himself.
Relationships || #2 Dating
Part of what it means to be made in the image of God, who himself exists in the eternal relationship of the Trinity, is that we are designed for relationship. This practical series takes a look at some of the key relationship seasons of life. This message looks at what it means to honour God in the search for a spouse.
Relationships || #1 Singleness
Part of what it means to be made in the image of God, who himself exists in the eternal relationship of the Trinity, is that we are designed for relationship. This practical series takes a look at some of the key relationship seasons of life. This message looks at what it means to honour God in our singleness.
Acts #17 || 12:1-25 Who on Earth is in Charge of this Mess?
Peter miraculously escapes from prison & the death of Herod
Acts #16 || 11:19-30 The Church in Antioch
The Relentless Others Centred Ethic of Christian Love
Acts #15 || 11:1-18 The Ministry of the Holy Spirit
God is building his church by the spread of the gospel through the world. In the early church, this started on the day of Pentecost where the Spirit was first poured out on the disciples. Since that day, God has continued to move in power, radically transforming lives and communities. He does this through the work of the Holy Spirit, without which, the church would not exist.
Acts #14 || 10:1-48 The Gospel for All People
Unfortunately, due to some technical difficulties, this weeks sermon was not recorded.
ACTS #13 || 9:26-43 The Power of God
A transformed Paul, having met Jesus on the road to Damascus, finally arrives in Jerusalem where he meets the rest of the church. and receives a hesitant reception. After this Peter finds himself in the towns of Lydda and Joppa where by the power of God he heals a man and raises a woman from the dead. These events remind us of the miraculous power of God, and that the very same power that transformed the life of Paul is still at work today.
ACTS #12 || 9:1-30 Saul Meets Jesus
In one of the most iconic events in Christian history, the zealous Jew Saul makes the journey to Damascus before getting knocked off his horse by the risen Jesus Christ himself.