Jonah || #3 The Power of the Word
Jonah goes and preaches to the city of Nineveh, causing a city wide revival.
EBC Vision 2017 || Discipleship || #1 Walking in the Spirit
The first of our sub series on Discipleship: Life With Jesus, this message unpacks what it means to walk in the Spirit.
EBC Vision 2017 || #4 Mission
Our forth week in our vision series, we continue our journey asking the question – what is mission?
EBC Vision 2017 || #3 Community
Our third week in our vision series, we continue our journey asking the question – what is true community? Building on the foundations of our commitment to be gospel centrality and discipleship, we consider what this means as we seek to live out true community. We see in scripture that gospel-centred community has a head, a unity, a character and a future.
Colossians 1:15-18; 1 Corinthians 1:10-17; John 13:33-35; Revelation 21:1-5
EBC Vision 2017 || #2 Discipleship
Our second week in our vision series, we continue our journey asking the question – what is discipleship? Building on our foundation from last week in our commitment to be gospel centred, we consider what this means as we seek to live lives as disciples of Jesus. We find in the Bible that gospel-centred discipleship is about life with Jesus, becoming like Jesus, by the grace of Jesus, until we meet Jesus!
EBC Vision 2017 || #1 Gospel Centred
Today we begin our journey asking the questions – what are we supposed to be living for? What is the church supposed to be like? We start by establishing our first big rock: we are to centre our lives and ministry with the gospel at the centre.