Thrive 2020
“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
“ I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
The big idea behind our Thrive campaign is a desire to get back to basics with God. At its most basic, this series is attempting to answer the question: “how do I thrive in my walk with God?” Not just survive life by scraping through, but truly thrive. Does it feel out of reach? It might do, but it isn’t. Not when God is involved. Jesus Himself speaks of coming to bring us abundant life (John 10:10), and we must be careful if we live as if he failed.
The call to Thrive is an invitation – an invitation to draw closer to God and have Him draw near to you (James 4:8). Could it be that at the start of 2020, we stand on the threshold of a new kind of life with God? Not one devoid of life’s many struggles, but one full of God’s amazing grace and presence of a kind we have yet to experience?
“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”
This is certainly our hope. And this is the heart behind Thrive.
Thrive will be practical, challenging and, by God’s grace, spiritually formative for our church. Please be in prayer for our church as we would sink our roots deep into the gospel and draw life and strength from its blessings. Pray for breakthrough. Pray for spiritual reformation. Pray for new faith and new life.
Series Overview: Where Are We Going?
Our Thrive Series is mapped out over 13 weeks, and covers a number of practical elements that are essential to a vibrant relationship with God.
#1 Introduction to Thrive
#2 Reading God’s Word
#3 Prayer
#4 Lament
#5 Faith & Worry
#6 Rejoicing in God
#7 Worship at Home
#8 Sabbath Rest
#9 Fellowship & Church
#10 Listening to God’s Word in Preaching
#11 Confession
#12 Worship at Work
#13 Living as Ambassadors
At first glance, the series might look a bit random, but there is an underlying structure:
Part 1: Self (#2-#6)
Part 2: Home (#7-#8)
Part 3: Church (#9-#11)
Part 4: World (#12-#13)
Thrive Booklets
Be sure to pick up your Thrive booklet, which will be your companion through the series. Each week’s topic contains bible readings, a practical challenge to help you grow, and a fantastic book recommendation to go deeper. There will also be notes for each week’s message. Be sure to spend time each week reflecting on the readings before and after the message.
Thrive Book List
For each topic, we have selected a book as recommended reading to go deeper. Be sure to pick up one (or more) these great resources that you think will most help you grow in your relationship with God.
#1 Introduction to Thrive: Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow by R.C. Sproul
#2 Reading God’s Word: Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung
#3 Prayer: Prayer by Tim Keller
#4 Lament: Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy: Discovering the Grace of Lament by Mark Vroegop
#5 Faith & Worry: Running Scared: Fear, Worry and the God of Rest by Ed Welch
#6 Rejoicing in God: Enjoying God by Tim Chester
#7 Worship at Home: Five Things to Pray for Your Kids by Melissa Kruger
#8 Sabbath Rest: Crazy Busy by Kevin DeYoung
#9 Fellowship & Church: Everyday Church by Tim Chester & Steve Timmis
#10 Listening to God’s Word in Preaching: Listen Up by Christopher Ash
#11 Confession: Redemption by Mike Wilkerson
#12 Worship at Work: Every Good Endeavor by Tim Keller
#13 Living as Ambassadors: Honest Evangelism by Rico Tice