December 19: Cornerstone
“For in stands in Scripture: Behold I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame.”
Many of us are not builders, and likely none of us have taken the effort to rebuild any ancient structures. Because of this, the cornerstone metaphor is perhaps lost in the sea of more relatable titles for Jesus. Albeit not perfect, but a helpful comparison in a modern context is a load bearing wall, or a wall that bears the weight of a home. Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith, and without Him, our house, or our faith, simply cannot stand. Do you think of Christ as your very foundation as you walk with Him? We are all at times tempted to put Jesus second to even the good things that God has blessed us with, but when we put other things as our foundation, we will face disappointment and disillusionment. In Hebrews 4:16, we are invited to “with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and grace to help in time of need.” As undeserving of this as we are, the promise of God is that we won’t be put to shame if Jesus is our cornerstone.
Have you accepted the grace that Jesus died for? He offers it to you freely although it cost him his life. Walking in God’s forgiveness means we will not be put to shame now, or when we stand before Him face to face. Our God who shows us such kindness by being mindful of us, and although He is so high above us, he takes our shame so that we do not have to carry it. As we contemplate Christmas, let us lay aside our gift lists, decorations, and to do lists to remember who sets the standard by which we direct our steps. Jesus alone is our stable cornerstone, He alone is the solid rock by which we can stand and will not be put to shame.