Introduction to Advent 2018

Oh, Come Let Us Adore Him!

Preparing Your Heart

Why Advent?

As God’s people, we are a people who have placed our trust in the sure promises of God. His promises of redemption which echo throughout the Old Testament’s pages have caused His people to wait expectantly for His intervention into history, climaxing in the coming of the Son of God in a stable in Bethlehem.

The joy that Jesus came to bring is from outside this world. It is the very joy that Jesus himself has in God the Father — which he has had from all eternity and will have forever.
— John Piper

The word “Advent” means “coming”. The Advent season therefore is the re-enactment of the hopeful waiting of God’s people for the coming Saviour – the man Jesus Christ. Advent season is then the celebration of the ransomed of all that God has done in Christ.

Behold your God

Advent is about adoring our saviour who has come to rescue and ransom us. Our God has come down, he has dwelt among us (John 1:14), and we would be missing the greatest source of joy and thanksgiving to neglect this reality.

Because of this, we would like to invite you this Advent seasons to join us at Enoggera Baptist Church to reflect on all Christ is to us, and to reflect on how “all the promises of God find their Yes in him” (2 Cor. 1:20).  We pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes to his glory and enflame your heart with love for him this Advent season.

Take a moment now to pray for your own heart. Pray that this December you would have your heart fixed on the One who gave it all to rescue you from the clutches of sin and death, and who is at work within you by his Holy Spirit. Pray also for our unbelieving community and that they would have their hearts stirred up to the things of God this Christmas season.

How To Use

Personal Devotional

Over the first 25 days of December, there will be a short devotional each day focusing on one of the Bible’s names or titles of Jesus. Set aside some time each day, whether morning or night, and find a quiet space to prayerfully read and reflect on each of the ways that Jesus coming has turned the world upside down and changed your destiny.  If you have a journal or notepad, jot down your prayers and meditations to share with your small group, friends or family.

Family Devotional

Christmas season is special family time, but for Christians, there is a danger that the true treasure of the season is missed for the lesser treasures that come with holidays. We would encourage you to use these daily Advent devotions each night over dinner or before bed, to help keep your family’s eyes fixed on Christ. His coming truly is the basis of all other blessings of God.


December 1: Immanuel